As a sophomore in high school I wrote a middle grade fantasy novel, M.A.J.I.C. and the Oracle at Delphi. It is a 61,000-word middle grade fantasy, in which a clever 12-year-old girl must destroy the Titans, or else become the weapon from her own premonitions.
After self-publishing the novel in 2013 as a junior in college, I went on a 4-week book tour in Michigan, speaking to students 3rd grade-12th grade on writing, goal setting, and pursuing their biggest dreams.
Based on critiques through the SCBWI, I have written a new manuscript of M.A.J.I.C. featuring the same main character. This new draft of the novel has been completely rewritten and revamped, and would be considered a companion. My goal is to find an agent and publisher who are excited to share a story about five superhero girls who embark on a journey to defeat villains from ancient world mythology.